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Advice of Scholars - IMPORTANCE OF NAMÂZ (PART 2)

Having mercy upon this Ummat Allâhu ta’âlâ and His Prophet bestowed a great blessing upon them, and made it fard for them to perform namâz. Hamd and thanks be to our Allah for this! We send our salawât, tahiyyât (regards) and prayers to His beloved Prophet! The ease and serenity enjoyed when performing namâz is something transcendental. My murshid [Hadrat Mazhar-i Jânân] said, “Though it is impossible to see Allâhu ta’âlâ as one performs namâz, some hâl is felt like seeing. ”

The great superiors of tasawwuf have said unanimously that this hâl does happen. In the beginning of Islam namâz used to be performed towards Quds (Jerusalem). When the Muslims were commanded to give up performing it towards the Bayt-ul-muqaddas and to turn towards the qibla of Hadrat Ibrâhîm, the Jews became mad and said derisively, “What will become of your prayers which you have performed towards the Bayt-ul-maqaddas?” The hundred and forty-third âyat was revealed to declare: “Allâhu ta’âlâ will not lose your îmân!” So it was informed that namâz would not be left without rewards.

Namâz was described with the word “îmân. ” This means that not to perform namâz suitably with the Sunnat is to lose îmân. Our Master, Rasûlullah, stated, “The light and the flavour of my eyes are in namâz. ” This hadîth means, “Allâhu ta’âlâ manifests and is perceived in namâz. Thus, my eyes feel comfortable. ” Another hadîth stated, “O Bilâl! Soothe me!” which means, “O Bilâl, give me relief by reciting the adhân and saying the iqâmat of namâz. ” A person who looks for relief in anything other than namâz is not a good one. He who wastes, misses namâz will lose other Islamic deeds all the more.