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After adapting our belief to the credal teachings, we should learn and obey halâls, harâms, fards, wâjibs, sunnas, mandubs and makrûhs from books of Fiqh written by the scholars of Ahl as- Sunna. We should not read the heretical books published by ignorant people who could not understand these great scholars. Muslims who have a belief disagreeable with the faith of Ahl as- Sunna will not escape going to Hell in the Hereafter— may Allâhu ta’âlâ protect us! If a Muslim whose faith is correct is slack in worship, he may be forgiven even if he does not make tawba. Even if he is not forgiven, he will be saved from Hell after torment. The main thing is to correct one’s belief. Khwâja ’Ubaid-Allâh al- Ahrâr [qaddas-Allâhu ta’âlâ sirrahu-l-’azîz’, d. Samarkand, 895 A.H. (1490)] said: ‘If I were given all the kashfs and all the karâmât, and yet if I were deprived of the credo of Ahl as-Sunna, I would consider myself ruined. If I did not have any kashf or karâma but had lots of faults, and if (only) the faith of Ahl as -Sunna were bestowed on me, I wouldn’t feel sorry.’



It is written in the books Zahîra and Tâtârhâniyya that it is most urgent for every Muslim to learn first about the knowledge of “Ahl as-Sunnat”, i.e., the faith and tenets of belief. For this reason, the great scholar Sayyid Abdulhakîm al-Arwâsî ‘rahmatullâhi ’aleyh’ said, sometime close to his demise: “I have preached for thirty years exclusively the teachings of Ahl as-Sunnat belief and the knowledge of beautiful ethics of Islam in all the mosques of Istanbul. Ahl as-Sunnat scholars acquired these teachings from the Sahâba, who in turn had learned from our blessed Prophet ‘sall-Allâhu ’alaihi wa sal-lam’.