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Advice of Scholars - THE GREATEST BLESSING

Allah has given all people numerous benefits and blessings. As the greatest, the best of these, He has sent prophets and messengers and has shown the way to eternal happiness, declaring in sûra Ibrâhîm, âyat 7 (interpreted as follows): “If you appreciate the value of My gifts and if you use them as I command, I will increase them. If you don’t appreciate them, if you abhor them, I will take them back and torture you vehemently. ” The reason why Islam has been in such a deplorable state for a century – especially recently, it has gone quite far away, leaving the world covered with the darkness of disbelief and apostasy – is solely because of Muslims not appreciating the blessings of Islam, and thereby turning away from them.

As Allahu ta’âlâ employs those whom He loves as intermediaries for auspicious deeds, so He employs at evil places those who bear hostility towards Him.

MIRACLES of MUHAMMAD ‘alaihis-salâm’

He sent troops to a region called Mûta to fight against the armies of the Byzantine Emperor. Four of the Sahâbîs, who were the commanders of the troops, were martyred, one after another. In the meantime the blessed Messenger was in Medina, preaching on the Minbar. Allâhu ta’âlâ showed him one by one all four martyrdoms, and he in turn related the events to the people with him.