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One­ point­ of­ agreement­ conspicuous­ in­ the­ Western publications­ concerning­ Islam­ and­ in­ the­ books­ which­ travellers wrote­ about­ Islam­ is­ that­ Muslims­ are­ extremely­ ignorant,­ that most ­of ­the ­Muslim­ people­ they­ contacted­ in­ Asia­ and­ Africa­ did not ­know­ how­ to ­read­ and­ write, ­and­ that­ there­ is­ not ­a­ Muslim name­among­ the ­scientists­ who ­made­ a­ reputation­ in­ science ­or culture­ throughout­ the­ years­ covering­ the­ eighteenth­ and nineteenth­ centuries.­ Some­ of­ those­ Western­ sources­ make­ a narrow-minded­ diagnosis,­ alleging­ that ­the ­Islamic ­religion ­is ­an impediment­ to­ progress,­ while­ others­ reach­ the­ ungrounded conclusion­ that ­it­ is ­this ­ignorance­ that ­blindfolds ­Muslims­ from the­ greatness­ of­ Christianity­ and­ hampers­ them­ from­ accepting Christianty­ despite ­all ­the ­efforts of ­missionaries

A­ retrospective ­look ­into ­history­ will ­reveal­ that ­the­ truth ­is quite­ counter­ to­ the­ Christian­ allegations.­ For­ Islam­ always commends­ knowledge­ and ­encourages­Muslims ­to ­learn.­The ­ninth âyat-i-kerîma­ of­ Zumar­ Sûra­ purports, ­“... Say: Are those equal, those who know and those who do not know? It is those who are endued with understanding that receive admonition.” (39-9)­The following­ commandments­ of­ our­ Prophet­ ‘sall-Allâhu­ ’alaihi­ wa sallam’­ are­ universally­known:­ “Even if knowledge is in China, go and learn it.” “There is Islam wherever there is knowledge.” “It is farz (Islam’s­ commandment)­ for Muslim men and Muslim women to look for knowledge and learn it!” Islam­ holds­ knowledge­ equal with­ worshipping,­ and­ the­ ink­ used­ by­ scholars­ equal­ with­ the blood­ of ­Muslims.­Muslims­ reject ­Christianity­ because­ the­ Islamic religion­ is­ much­ more­ logical­ and­ much­ more­ true­ than Christianity.