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Islam­ is­ not­ a­ regressive­ religion,­ but­ on­ the­ contrary­ it commands­ to ­follow­ all ­the ­renovations,­ to ­explore­ new­ facts­ daily, and­ to ­always­ make ­progress. ­It ­is­ for ­this­ reason­ that ­from­ the earliest­ days­ of­ Islam­ great­ value­ was­ attached­ to­ men­ of knowledge,­ the­ Muslim­ Arabs­ reached­ the­ highest­ summits­ in medicine, ­in­chemistry, ­in ­astronomy, ­in ­geography, ­in­ history,­ in literature,­ in­ mathematics,­ in­ engineering,­ in­ architecture ­and­ in ethical­ and­ social­ sciences,­ which­ are­ the­ bases­ for­ all­ those sciences,­ educated­ valuable­ scholars,­ judges,­ experts ­and­ masters, who­ are­ still ­being­ remembered­ with­ deep­ reverence ­today, ­and became­ the­ teachers­ of­ the­ entire­ world­ and­ the­ guides­ of civilization.­ Europeans,­ who ­were­ semi-barbarians­ in­ those­ times, studied­ science­ in­ Muslim­universities,­ and­ even­ Christian ­religious authorities,­ such­ as­ Pope­ Sylvester,­ attended­ lectures­ in­ the Andalusian­ universities.­ A­ number­ of­ scientific­ terms­ used­ in European ­languages­ today­ are ­of ­Arabic­ origin,­ e.g.­‘Chemistry’ from­ ‘Kimyâ’,­ ‘Algebra’­ from­ ‘Al-jebîr’.­ For­ it­ was­ the­ Muslim Arabs­ who­ taught ­these­sciences ­to ­the­ world.

SACRIFICE OF ABÛ BAKR ‘radiy-Allâhu ’anh’

Abû Bakr as-Siddîq ‘radiy-Allâhu ’anh’ sacrificed all his property, his life, his children, and everything he had for Rasûlullah’s sake. The hadîth-i-sherîf which states, “Abû Bakr’s ‘radiy-Allâhu’anh’ îmân is more than the sum of the îmâns of my entire Ummat,” would be sufficient in itself to prove that he was higher than all the other Sahâbîs. In addition, there is many another hadîth-i-sherîf stating that he was the highest of all. A few of them are quoted along with their documentary sources in the (Turkish) book Se’âdet-i-ebediyye. Abû Bakr as-Siddîq ‘radiyAllâhu ’anh’ never opposed Rasûlullah ‘sall-Allâhu ’alaihi wasallam’. In fact, even his ijtihâds were in agreement with those of the Messenger of Allah. Furthermore, (he was so deeply attached to Rasûlullah that) once he sincerely expressed his willingness to barter all his acts of worship for one single mistake ever made by the Messenger of Allah.The books of Ahlas-sunnat brim over with love and veneration for the Ahl-i-bayt. His assailing the Ahl as-sunnat scholars with the accusation that they “harbour enmity and grudge (against the Ahl-i-bayt)” reeks of the treacherous and ignoble attempts to defame the Ahl as-sunnat, and his book bristles with those attempts.