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It is written in Birgivî Wasiyyetnâmesi[1], “The second group of things which disbelievers use are things which are symptoms of disbelief, symptoms of denying and disbelieving the Ahkâm-i islâmiyya and Islam, and it is wâjib for us to abhor them. A person who does or uses them becomes a disbeliever. They cannot be used unless one is intimidated with death or with the amputation of one’s limbs or other treatments causing these results such as severe thrashing or imprisonment or extortion of all one’s property. Also, he who does or uses a commonly known one of them without knowing or as a joke in order to make people laugh, becomes a disbeliever. For example, it is kufr to wear (or use) things specially worn or used by priests during their worship. This is called Kufr-i hukmî.” It is written in the basic books of Fiqh by Islamic scholars that to wear the ‘things that are peculiar to disbelievers is kufr. See Ibn-i ’Âbidîn, Vol. V, page 481. The enemies of Islam, in order to deceive Muslims, try to hide the fact that it is kufr to adopt the customs of disbelievers and to celebrate their festivals. They call these customs ‘Islamic customs’ and these days ‘sacred days’. They represent the Noel (Christmas), which was introduced into Christianity by Constantine the Great, and Nawruz, which was started by Jamshîd, as a national celebration; and they want Muslims to accept the same things. Young and innocent Muslims should not believe their lies. They should learn the truth by asking those sincere Muslims whom they trust, their relatives who perform namâz, and those family friends who know their religion. Today, no matter where in the world, not to know what is îmân and what is kufr or how to perform ’ibâdats correctly is inexcusable. He who is deceived because he does not know his faith will not be saved from Hell. Today, Allâhu ta’âlâ has made His religion known everywhere in the world, and He has made learning îmân, the fards, the harâms, the halâls, and beautiful morals very easy. Everybody should learn as much as necessary and this is a fard. One who does not learn them is deemed to have disobeyed the fard. But a person who says that there is no need to learn them or who attaches no importance to them becomes a disbeliever.

[1] Muhammad Birgivî Bey’s father is Alî. He was born in Balikesir in 928 and died of the plague in 981 A.H. His works, Vasiyyetnâme, Tarîqat, Awâmil, Izhâr and others, are very valuable.