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They are valuable born slaves of Allâhu ta’âlâ. Some of them have been honoured with conveying information to other angels and to His Prophets ‘’alaihim-us-salâm’ among mankind. They do what they are commanded to do. They do not revolt. They do not eat or drink. They do not get married. They are neither male nor female. They do not have children. They carried the (heavenly) Books and Pages. Because they are trustworthy, what they convey is true. To be a Muslim, it is necessary to hold this belief concerning angels. According to the majority of the savants of the right way, the exalted ones of human beings are superior to the exalted ones of the angels. Since human beings struggle against the Devil and against their own nafs, they are exalted, though they are in need. But angels were created exalted already. Angels say tasbîh and taqdîs[1]. Yet it is peculiar to the higher ones of human beings to add jihâd to it. Allâhu ta’âlâ declares in the ninety-fourth âyat of Sûrat-un-Nisâ: “Those Muslims who perform jihâd, who war against the enemies of religion by sacrificing their property and lives for Allah’s sake, are more exalted than those who do not go out, but instead only worship. I promise Paradise for all of them.”

[1] The words ‘tasbîh’ and ‘taqdîs’ are used in the same meaning. Though there is a very delicate difference between their meanings, they both mean ‘without any fault or defect.’