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Denial of karâmât is an evidence of ignorance and unintelligence in understanding the Islamic faith. The assertion that as-Sahâba had not been seen performing karâmât is another vile and disgusting lie. Many valuable books report the hundreds of karâmât each Sahâbî had been granted by Allâhu ta’âlâ. The karâmât of fifty-four Sahâbîs, along with the eye-witnesses, are written in Yûsuf an-Nabhânî’s (rahmat-Allâhi ta’âlâ ’alaih) Arabic book Jâmi’ al-karâmât. Here are some of these kârâmât:

Sâriya, the Commander of Muslims, engaged enemy Persians on a plain near Nahâwand in 23 A.H. The Persian army was just about to encircle the Muslims. Just at that moment, the condition of the Muslim army was revealed by Allâhu ta’âlâ to Hadrat ’Umar (radî-Allâhu ta’âlâ ’anh), who was delivering a khutba on the minbar in the mosque in al-Madînat al-Munawwara. During the khutba, he called, “Yâ Sâriya! To the hill! To the hill!” Sâriya and his companions heard the Khalîfa’s voice. They backed on to the hill and, all well-arranged and concentrated, attacked towards the plain and defeated the enemy.[1]

’Abdullâh ibn ’Umar (radî-Allâhu ta’âlâ ’anhumâ) met, on a journey, a group of travellers waiting on the road. He asked them why they had stopped there. “We have heard that there is a lion on the way. That’s why no one can go any further on his way,” a traveller replied. ’Abdullâh ibn ’Umar went to the lion and petted its back and removed it away from the road.

[1] Jâmi’ al-karâmât, p. 33; Qisâs-i Anbiyâ, p. 589; details in Shawâhid an-nubuwwa; that it was reported by al-Baihakî on the authority of Ibn ’Umar (rahmat-Allâhi ta’âlâ ’alaihimâ), in Irshâd at-tâlibîn.