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Advice of Scholars - BELIEF IN THE PROPHETS

Hadrat Imâm-i Rabbânî says in the 17th letter of the third volume of his Maktûbât:

Having mercy upon His born slaves, Allahu ta’âlâ sent them prophets ‘alaihim-us-salawâtu wa-t-taslîmât’. Through them He guided His born servants to the right way, to the way of endless bliss, and called His born servants to Himself. He invited them to Paradise, the place for His consent and love. Man is so poor, but he will not accept the invitation of such a giver of favours, as He is. Man is very stupid and deprives himself of His blessings. All the information which those great people communicated from Allahu ta’âlâ is true. It is necessary to believe all of it.

Though mind is a means for finding out the truth and what is good, it cannot find it alone, for it is insufficient. It has been completed with the coming of prophets ‘alaihim-us-salawâtu wa-t-taslîmât’. There is no excuse, no pretext left for men. The first of the prophets is Hadrat Âdam, and the last one is hadrat Muhammad Rasûlullah ‘alaihi wa alaihim-us-salawâtu wa-t-taslîmât’. It is necessary to believe in all the prophets. All of them should be known as innocent (sinless) and true. To disbelieve one of them means to disbelieve all of them. For all of them communicated the same îmân. That is, the essentials, the bases of the things to be believed in, were the same in all of their religions.

In contrast to one of their wrong credal tenets, Hadrat Îsâ (Jesus) did not die. When Jews wanted to kill him, Allahu ta’âlâ raised him alive up to Heaven. At a time towards the end of the world he will descend to Damascus from Heaven and will follow the Sharî’at of Muhammad (alaihissalâm). Hadrat Khwâja Muhammad Pârisâ, one of the great Awliyâ educated by Hadrat Bahâaddîn-i Naqshibandî Bukhârî, a great Awliya, a diver into the ocean of tasawwuf, says in his book Fusûl-i sittâ, “Hadrat Îsâ will descend from Heaven, will act according to the madhhab of Imâm-i Abû Hanîfa, will say halâl about what he said was halâl, and will say harâm about what he said was harâm.”