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Now, anybody who wants to attain to endless happiness should learn the faith of Ahl as-Sunna briefly and believe accordingly, and then, choosing the one which is possible and easy for him to learn of the four madhhabs, he should learn one by one about his daily doings and ’ibâdât in a book of that madhhab and practise them accordingly. In every country, genuine books of ’ilm al-hâl, each writing the teachings of one madhhab, are easily available. This opportunity is Allâhu ta’âlâ’s great blessing over the Ummat al-Muhammad (sall-Allâhu ’alaihi wa sallam). Infinite thanks be to Allâhu ta’âlâ for this great blessing of His! We ought to be on the alert lest we should be deceived by the false words and writings of heretics, of the lâ-madhhabî, of religion reformers and of those ignorant people who speak and write in order to earn money!


Religious and scientific impostors have caused much damage to the happiness of this country, of our nation. Impostors of religion, using the religion as a means for their personal benefits and political purposes, pushed forward nonreligious things as if they belonged to the religion. At the same time, impostors of science, again for their personal and political purposes, endeavoured to destroy the youth’s belief in the religion and, to this end, put forth their non-scientific, destructive and divisive words to be accepted as scientific knowledge by the youth. Impostors of religion, pretending to be religious men, exploited the people’s adherence to their religion, while impostors of science, pretending to be scientists and showing off their diplomas in science, exploited the people’s confidence in scientific knowledge. We must be fully aware of the tricks of these impostors of religion and science.