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In recent times, too, there have appeared some hypocrites who want to use the religion and science as a tool for politics. It has been discovered that most of the anarchists and bandits, who have been caught with their bombs, telescopic guns, antitank rockets and transmitting and receiving radio-sets have turned out to be the impostors of science at universities. The rest are workers, male or female students deceived by them. As we read in newspapers about the treacheries and murders put into practice or will be practised by these tens of thousands of impostors of science, we understand in horror and consternation what a terrible calamity or doom they were leading our country towards. We do not know how to thank the commanders who, responding to the nation’s call for help, stopped this terrible course and rescued us from this catastrophe. Day and night we pray for the good of the Pashas who protected us. We will not have expressed thanks enough for the great blessing we have attained, even if for every moment we performed a prostration of thanksgiving towards our Rabb, who sent them to preside over us! May endless gratitude be expressed to our Rabb for this very great blessing.