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RASÛLULLAH ‘sall- Allâhu ’alaihi wa sallam’

Hadrat Muhammad ‘’alaihi-s-salâm’, who was born in Arabia,

Is the highest of mankind in both worlds!

May he who will not become earth at his door

Remain under the earth all the time!

May our salâms be to the highest and the most superior of Prophets ‘’alâ nabiyyinâ wa ’alaihimussalawâtu wa-t-teslîmât’



Hadrat Muhammed Ma’thûm Fârûqî says in the  202th letter of the first volume of his Maktûbât:

In this short span of life, do the most important things! Know it a great blessing to spend your nights worshipping and to weep through early mornings! Illuminate dark nights with lights of dhikr! Be honest and reliable in your trade affairs! It is stated in a hadîth-i-sherîf, “Allâhu ta’âlâ loves a faithful tradesman.”Do not make business contracts that are fâsid or which are based on interest! This is one of the dangers which scholars are vulnerable to. Imagine how perilous a situation non-scholars are in! I wonder if anyone is free from such corrupt contracts? Learn how to make contracts conformable with the Sharî’at from true men of religion [or from their books]! Be extra cautious in this respect! Pray and trust yourself to Allâhu ta’âlâ to protect you against this risky deed! We send our salâm to those who are in the right way!