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This world is a field for the next world. How unfortunate and stupid are those who, instead of sowing their seeds, eat them, thus depriving themselves of earning much fruit. They do not prepare for that day on which brother will avoid brother, a mother will disavow her children. These people will be wrong in this and the next worlds and will repent at last. He who is reasonable looks on this world only as an opportunity. During this short term, instead of enjoying worldly pleasures, he sows seeds by doing auspicious deeds, the ones which Allahu ta’âlâ likes, and thus gathers the many blessings communicated in the âyat-i-kerîma. Allahu ta’âlâ will give infinite blessings for the auspicious deeds and worships done in this short life. And He will eternally torment those who do not follow His Prophet and who dislike Islam.

As a matter of fact, He declares in the hundred and seventy-second âyat of Sûrat-un-Nisâ, “For those who, believing in Hadrat Muhammad, do the deeds useful for the Hereafter, Allahu ta’âlâ will give what He promises and many other blessings in addition. He will inflict vehement punishment on those who presumed that it is baseness and retrogression to worship Allahu ta’âlâ, that is, to obey Hadrat Muhammad. Such people pretend to be great by calling themselves modern and enlightened. There will not be a helper or an owner of power besides Allahu ta’âlâ to rescue these disbelievers from Hell, who assume themselves to be superior to everybody. ”

He Himself knows why He will torment them eternally. Men’s short brains cannot comprehend it. For example, He commands various punishments for the murders done in the world. No man can understand the reasons, the ultimate divine causes in them. Thus, He will torment unbelievers eternally for such a transient, short period of disbelief.