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One of the Imâm’s disciples wrote a letter to him, asking, “Did the Ashâb-i-kirâm attain these ranks which you have been telling about? If so, did it occur at once or gradually?” The Imâm said that a question of this sort could be answered only in a sohbat (by being together). The questioner visited him for his sohbat. The imâm made tawajjuh to him (turned his attention towards him), bestowing on him all the nisbats he possessed, and said, “What did you see?” Upon this the person threw himself down to hadrat Imâm’s feet and said, “Now I know that the Ashâb- i-kirâm ‘alaihim-ur-ridwân’ attained all the ranks of wilâyat with only one sohbat with Rasûlullah ‘sall-Allâhu alaihi wa sallam’.”

A hâfid whose duty was to recite Qur’ân al-kerîm in the circle became badly ill. Everybody was hopeless. Imâm-i-Rabbânî said, “I have admitted him under my protection.” The person recovered immediately.

One of his disciples met a lion in the country. There was no place to shelter. He seeked asylum with the Imâm and begged for help. The Imâm appeared with a walking stick in his hand and hit the fierce animal hard. The lion ran away and the disciple was saved.

One of the Imâm’s ‘quddisa sirruh’ deniers invited one of the Imâm’s disciples to his home. Putting something to eat in front of the guest, the host began to speak ill of Imâm-i-Rabbânî ‘rahmatullâhi ta’âlâ aleyh’. The disciple was vexed and wished to go back to the Imâm’s place. This stirred the Ghayrat-i-ilâhî, whereupon all the limbs of the denier’s body broke and the body was torn to pieces. Terrified, the disciple left the house and made for the Imâm’s place. The Imâm was standing at the door, as it was his blessed habit. Holding his disciple by the hand, he took him to the denier’s house. They entered the house. The Imâm supplicated to Allâhu ta’âlâ for the resuscitation of the dead person. Allâhu ta’âlâ accepted his supplication. When they stood up some time later, he said to his disciple, “Don’t tell anyone about this event as long as I am alive.”

One day ten of the Imâm’s disciples invited him to have (the dinner called) Iftâr with them and all the ten invitations happened to be for the same evening. Accepting all the invitations, he had Iftâr with all the ten families at the same time in the same evening.