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A person who claims to be a Muslim and who has been seen performing namâz in jamâ’a must be looked on as a Muslim. If, later on, in his speech, writing or behaviour something is seen disagreeing with the knowledge of îmân as conveyed by the scholars of Ahl as-Sunna, he will be told that that is disbelief or heresy. He will be told to cease from it and repent. If, with his short mind and coarse reasoning, he answers that he will not, it will be understood that he is a heretic or a disbeliever. Even if he continues to perform the daily five namâzes, performs hajj and does all kinds of worship and good deeds, he will not escape from this disaster unless he ceases from things or acts which cause kufr and makes tawba. he will not be a Muslim. By learning well the things that cause disbelief, each Muslim should protect himself from becoming a disbeliever and should know well the disbelievers and those liars who pretend to be Muslims, especially the British spies, and keep away from their harm.

SHEREF ED-DÎN MUNÎRÎ ‘rahimah-Allâhu ta’âlâ’

There are 100 letters in this collection of letters, (Maktûbât). It was compiled in 741 [1339 A.D.] and printed in India in 1329 [1911]. There is a manuscript copy in the Süleymâniyye Library in Istanbul. Irshâd as-sâlikîn and Ma’din al-ma’ânî are his two other valuable works. Ghulâm ’Alî ’Abdullah ad-Dahlawî ‘rahimah-Allâhu ta’âlâ’, a great scholar of Ahl as-Sunna who died in 1240 A.H. [1824], recommended Ahmad ibn Yahyâ Munîrî’s Maktûbât in his ninetyninth (99) letter and wrote that it was very helpful in purifying the nafs. Sheref ad-dîn Ahmad ibn Yahyâ Munîrî ‘rahimah-Allâhu ta’âlâ’ lived in Bihar, India, where his grave is. Munîr is a village in Bihar. His detailed biography is written in Shâh ’Abd al-Haqq ad-Dahlawî’s ‘rahimah-Allâhu ta’âlâ’ Persian work Akhbâr al-akhyâr, which was published in Deoband, India, in 1332 [1914 A.D.] and was later reproduced in Lahore, Pakistan.