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RASÛLULLAH ‘sall- Allâhu ’alaihi wa sallam’

Hadrat Muhammad ‘’alaihi-s-salâm’, who was born in Arabia,

Is the highest of mankind in both worlds!

May he who will not become earth at his door

Remain under the earth all the time!

May our salâms be to the highest and the most superior of Prophets ‘’alâ nabiyyinâ wa ’alaihimussalawâtu wa-t-teslîmât’


It is stated as follows on the two hundred and eighty-ninth page of the first volume of Ibni ’Âbidîn, during the discourse on how to find the direction of qibla: “Scholars said that we should not trust calendars in learning the first day of Ramadân-i-sherîf. For, the fast becomes fard after the new moon is seen in the sky. Our Prophet ‘sall-Allâhu ’alaihi wa sallam’ stated: ‘Begin to fast when you see the new moon!’ On the other hand, the appearing of the new moon depends on calculation, not on seeing it; calculation is valid, and the new moon appears on the night indicated by calculation. Yet it may be seen on the following night instead of that night, and it is necessary to begin the fast on the night it is seen, not on the night it must appear (according to the calculation). Such is the commandment of Islam.” It is an act of worship to look for the new moon in the sky. As is seen, announcing the beginning of Ramadân-i-sherîf beforehand is an indication of not knowing Islam.