A BIOGRAPHY of IMÂM-I- AHMAD RABBÂNÎ ‘quddisa sirruh’ (I)
This part is a translation from the book Manâqib wa Maqâmâti-Ahmadiyya-i-Saîdiyya, written by Muhammad Maz-har ‘quddisa sirruh’, a son of Ahmad Sa’îd Fârûqî ‘quddisa sirruh’:
Ahmad-i-Fârûqî Serhendî ‘quddisa sirruh’, an acme for ârifs, a guide for owners of haqîqat, a paragon for the Awliyâ-i-kirâm, a darling of Allâhu ta’âlâ, the revitalizer and illuminater of the second thousand (Islamic) years, a qibla for the hearts of those who advance in the way leading towards Allâhu ta’âlâ, a peerless link in the Silsila-i-Zeheb, was fathered by Abd-ul-ahad. And this noble person, in his turn, was fathered by Zeynel’âbidîn, whose father was Abd-ul-hayy, whose father was Muhammad, whose father was Habîbullah, whose father was Refî’uddîn, whose father was Khawâja Nûr, whose father was Nasîr-ud-dîn, whose father was Suleymân, whose father was Yûsuf, whose father was Shu’âyb, whose father was Ahmad, whose father was Yûsuf, whose father was Shihâb-ud-dîn (better known with the name Ferrûh Shâh), whose father was Nasîr-ad-dîn, whose father was Mahmûd, whose father was Suleymân, whose father was Mes’ûd, whose father was Abdullah Wâ’iz-i-esghar, whose father was Abdullah Wâ’iz-iekber, whose father was Nâsir, whose father was Abdullah ibni ’Umar, and whose father, finally, was hadrat ’Umar ul-Fârûq ‘radiy-Allâhu anhum ajma’în’.
Each and every one of Imâm-i-Rabbânî’s ‘quddisa sirruh’ fathers and grandfathers possessed ’ilm and ikhlâs and was at the same time one of the Shaikhs and notables of his own time. All of them were extremely venerable persons and were among the Awliyâ-i-kirâm.