A pious person living in a far away country heard about the Imâm’s fame and came to the city of Serhend. Someone invited him to his house to spend the night there. When he said that he was there to receive fayz from the Imâm and that he was very happy because he was going to be blessed with the honour of joining his disciples, the host began to vituperate hadrat Imâm, using filthy language about him. Deeply saddened and embarrassed, the pious person committed himself to the Imâm’s soul and begged him through his heart: “I am here only with the intention of serving you for Allah’s sake. This person wants to deprive me of this happiness.” Imâm-i-Rabbânî appeared, exasperated and with his sword drawn, and cutting the denier to pieces he left the house. When the pious person was blessed with the Imâm’s presence the following morning and attempted to relate the previous night’s event, the Imâm preferred to conceal his kerâmat, saying, “Do not relate by day what happened at night.
An ablution has four farzes (or fards) in the Hanafî Madhhab, seven farzes in the Mâlikî Madhhab, and six farzes in the Shâfi’î and Hanbalî Madhhabs. In the Hanafî Madhhab, they are:
1– To wash one’s face.
2– To wash one’s forearms, including the elbows.
3– To make masah on one-fourth of one’s head.
4– To wash one’s fect, including to heel bones.