It is essential for everyone to have îmân; îmân is necessary for everybody. Those who have îmân should perform the fards and avoid the harâms. Every Mu’min (Believer) has to perform the fards and avoid the harâms, i.e., to be a Muslim. Every Mu’min loves our Prophet ‘sall-Allâhu ’alaihi wa sallam’ more than his own
life and property. A symptom of this love is to perform the sunnats and abstain from the makrûhs. After observing all these, the more a Muslim adapts himself to him in what is mubâh, the more perfect and the more mature will he become. He will become closer and more beloved to Allâhu ta’âlâ.
It is called Îmân to like and to admit sincerely, i.e., to believe, all of what Rasûlullah ‘sall-Allâhu ’alaihi wa sallam’ said. Those who believe so are called Mu’min. It is called Kufr not to believe even one piece of what he said, and to doubt whether it is good and correct. People who hold such disbelief so are called Kâfir. Things which Allâhu ta’âlâ clearly commands in the Qur’ân al-kerîm are called Fard. Things which He clearly forbids and prohibits by saying “don’t” are called Harâm. Things which Allâhu ta’âlâ doesn’t clearly command but which are acts our Prophet praised or which he habitually did or which he did not prohibit when he saw them being done, are called Sunnat. It is kufr (disbelief) to dislike the sunnat. It is not a sin not to do them, as long as you like them. Those things which are not liked by him, and which also eradicate the blessings in worships are called Makrûh. The things which are neither commanded nor prohibited are called Mubâh. All these commandments and prohibitions are called Ahkâm-i-ilâhiyya or Af’âl-i mukallafîn or Ahkâm-i Islâmiyya.