Untitled Document


Qasîdat al-Burda is composed of ten parts: 

The first part expresses the value of the love for Rasûlullâh.

The second part explains the wickedness of man’s nafs.

The third part praises Rasûlullâh. 

The fourth part tells about Rasûlullâh’s birth. 

The fifth part explains that Rasûlullah’s prayers were accepted instantaneously.

The sixth part praises the Qur’ân al-karîm.

The seventh part explains the subtleties in the Mi’raj of Rasûlullâh.

The eighth part tells about Rasûlullâh’s jihâds.

In the ninth part, he asks Allâhu ta’âlâ for mercy and maghfira and asks Rasûlullâh for intercession.

The tenth part tells about the superiority of the status of Rasûlullâh.