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Allâhu ta’âlâ created all beings. Everything was non-existent. Allâhu ta’âlâ, alone, was existent. He always exists. He is not a being that came to existence afterwards. If He had been nonexistent before, there would necessarily have been a power to create Him. For, nonexistence of a power to create something nonexistent entails the continuation of the nonexistence of that nonexistent thing, so that it can never come to being. If the owner of power to create it existed, then Allâhu ta’âlâ is that eternal being who possesses the power. Conversely, if it should be argued that that creative power as well came into being afterwards, then it will have to have been created another power, which in turn perforce leads to an infinite number of creators. This, however, means nonexistence of a beginning for creators. Nonexistence of the earliest creator results in nonexistence of the creation that it would have effected. When the creator is nonexistent, then all this material and spiritual creation that we see or hear around us will have to be nonexistent. Since material beings and souls do exist, then they must have a single and everexistent creator.

Allâhu ta’âlâ first created simple substances, constituents of all material beings, and souls and angels. Simple substances are termed elements now. There are a hundred and five elements known as of today. Allâhu ta’âlâ has created, and is always creating, every substance and every object from these hundred and five elements. Iron, sulphur, carbon, oxigen gas, chlorine gas are an element each. Allâhu ta’âlâ has not stated how many million years ago He created these elements. Nor has He let us know when He started creating the earths, the heavens and the living beings, which are products made up of these elements. Everything, living or non-living, has a certain life-span during which it stays in existence. He creates it when the time comes, and annihilates it when its life-span is over. He not only creates something from nothing, but also creates something else from another thing, slowly or all of a sudden, and as the former comes into being the latter ceases to exist.