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ABOUT the JANNÂT-I-ÂLIYYÂT (The Sublime Gardens of Paradise) (III)

People of Paradise enjoy eating and drinking and relish what they eat and drink; but they do not feel any need to urinate or defecate; they are far from such human needs and anguishes.

Allâhu ta’âlâ will address His slaves, Believers in Paradise: “O My slaves! What more do you want Me to give you? Go ahead and enjoy the pleasures and comfort!” The slaves will reply: “Yâ Rabbî! You have freed us from Hell and made us enter Your Paradise, and given us so many houris and ghilmâns and wildâns. It would be embarrassing for us to ask for more.” Thereupon Rabb-ul-’âlamîn will address them once again, saying: “O My slaves! There is something you are to ask from Me and which is other than these things.” When the slaves reply, “Yâ Rabbî! We do not have the face to ask for more. Besides, we don’t know what to ask for,” Rabb-ul ’âlamîn will ask them: “O My slaves! What did you use to do when you encountered a matter in the world?” When they reply that they used ask the ’ulamâ (Islamic scholars) and their problem would be solved when they learned the matter, Hadrat Haqq subhânahu wa ta’âlâ will say: “Do the same thing now and become acquainted by consulting with the ’ulamâ.” So the ’ulamâ will say to the Believers: “Have you forgotten about Jemâlullah? When you were in the world you used to yearn (to see Allâhu ta’âlâ) and say: ‘In the Hereafter our Rabb, who is far from place, will make us see His Jemâl (Beauty).’ That is what you should ask for now.” Thereupon they will ask for the ru’yet-ijemâlullah (seeing the Beauty of Allah), and Allâhu ’adhîm-ushshân, free and far as He is from place, will show them His jemâl-ibâkemâl. When they see Haqq ta’âlâ’s jemâl-i-pâk, their admiration will last many a thousand years. 

As a Believer sits in his villa, there will be fruits around him and before his windows. When he thinks, “Let me reach out my hand, pull that branch, pick the fruit, and eat it,” he will not need to get up from his seat to pull the branch. Presently the branch he wants will be where he is sitting, he will pick the fruit and put it in his mouth, and before its flavour reaches his throat another fruit will appear where he picked the first one. When he puts the fruit in his mouth it will be ripe and delicious. Thus, Rabb-ul-’izza will create another fresh one.

If you are wise, perform namâz, for it is a crown of happiness.

Your knowledge of namâz should be that it is Mi’râj for Believers.