It is stated in the three hundred and seventy-second (372) page of the translation (into Turkish) of the book entitled Mawâhib-i-ladunniyya: “According to all four Madhhabs, it is not permissible for men to wear gold rings.” It is stated in the books Jawhara-t-un-nayyira and Ibni ’Âbidîn and Durr-ul-muntaqâ and Fatawâ-i-Hindiyya: “It is makrûh, also for women, to wear rings made from metals other than gold and silver.”
It is stated as follows in the book entitled Bostân, (by Muslihud-dîn Shaikh Sa’dî Shîrâzî, 589 [1193 A.D.], Shîrâz, Iran – 691 [1292], the same place:) “Nu’mân bin Beshîr Ansârî, (d. 64), entered the presence of Rasûlullah. There was a gold ring on his finger. ‘Why have you been using an ornament of Paradise before entering Paradise,’ questioned the Blessed Messenger of Allah. Thereupon Nu’mân began to wear an iron ring. When the Blessed Prophet saw it, he stated, ‘Why are you carrying an article of Hell?’ Nu’mân took it off, too, substituting it with a bronze ring. When the Blessed Prophet saw it he said, ‘Why do I sense a smell of idolatry on you?’ When Nu’mân asked, ‘What kind of a ring shall I wear, o you the Blessed Messenger of Allah,’ the Prophet said, ‘You may wear a silver ring. Let it not be heavier than a mithqâl, and wear it on your right hand!’ Rasûlullah ‘sall-Allâhu ’alaihi wa sallam’ would have gold and iron rings taken off, yet he would not dissuade from silver rings.” These facts are written also in the book Mawâhid-i-ladunniyya.