The reason why people will not attain the blessings of the Hereafter is that they turn away from Him. He who turns away will certainly get nothing. A container covered over the top will certainly not get April’s rain. Yes, many people who have turned away still seem to live in worldly blessings and so they are considered as not being deprived. But those things are given to them as a reward for their struggling for this world. However, things that are regarded as worldly blessings are, in actual fact, the seeds of torment and calamity. They are disasters which Allâhu ta’âlâ deceptively gives their owners by misrepresenting them as blessings. As a matter of fact, it is purported in the fifty-sixth âyat of Sûrat-ul-Mu’minûn: “Do disbelievers presume that We are doing them a favour or helping them by giving them property and many children? Do they say that We are rewarding them because they disbelieve my Prophet and dislike the Islamic religion? No, it is not the case. They are wrong. They do not understand that these are not blessings, but disasters.” Then, the worldly things that are given to those whose hearts have turned away from Allâhu ta’âlâ are all desolation and calamity. They are like the sweetmeats given to the diabetic.