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And once he stated: “When a Muslim’s child worships, he, as the father, will receive as much reward as the child gets. When a person teaches his child to sin and whenever this child commits sins, his father also will be recorded equally sinful.” Ibni ’Âbidîn[1] says at the end of the section on the makrûh actions in namâz: “If a person has his child do the things that are harâm for himself to do, he has committed a harâm. A person who has his son wear silk clothes or ornaments him with gold or who has his children drink alcohol or lets them urinate in the direction of qibla[2], or causes them to stretch their legs in the direction of qibla will be sinful.”

[1] Sayyid Muhammad Amin bin ’Umar bin Abdul’azîz was a Fiqh savant. He was born in Damascus in 1198 and died there in 1252 A.H. He became mature with the tawajjuh and the presence of Mawlânâ Khâlid-i Baghdâdî. When this sun of Wilâyat set in Damascus, he became the imâm and conducted the namâz of janâza performed for him. He wrote many books. His commentary to Durrulmukhtâr consists of five volumes and has been printed several times under the name of Raddulmuhtâr. It is the most dependable Fiqh book in the Hanafî Madh-hab. The major part of the Fiqh information that covers 130 chapters of the Turkish version of our book, Endless Bliss, has been translated from its five volumes that were printed in Egypt in 1272 A.H. He is credited with many fatwâs.

[2] The direction a Muslim turns when performing namâz. This direction points to the Ka’ba.