’Ilm al-fiqh is very extensive. It has four main divisions:
i) ’ibâdât, composed of five subdivisions: salât (namâz), sawm (fast), zakât, hajj, jihâd. Each has many sections. As is seen, it is an ’ibâda to make preparations for jihâd. Our Prophet ‘sall-Allâhu ’alaihi wa sallam’ said that jihâd against the enemies of Islam was of two kinds: by actions and by words. It is fard to learn how to make and use new weapons in preparation for jihâd by actions. Jihâd is done by the State. It is fard for the people to join in the jihad by obeying the State laws and orders. Nowadays, the attacks of our enemies through publications, motion pictures, radio broadcast and every means of propaganda – the second kind of war – has tremendously increased, and it is also a jihâd to stand against the enemies in this field.
ii) munâkahât, composed of subdivisions, such as marriage, divorce, alimony and many others [written in detail in the fifth fascicle of Endless Bliss].
iii) mu’âmalât, composed of many subdivisions, such as purchase, sale, rent, joint-ownership, interest, inheritance, etc, (also dealt with in the fifth fascicle, and partly in the sixth fascicle.)
iv) ’uqûbât (penal code), composed of five main subdivisions: qisâs (lex talionis), sirqa (theft), zinâ (fornication and adultery), qadhf (false accusation of incontinence), and ridda (case of becoming an apostate).