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Hadrat Imâm-i Rabbânî says in the 20th letter of the second volume of his Maktûbât:

This letter, written to Tâhir Badahshî, states the virtues in namâz, its arkân (precepts) and conditions, sunnats, adabs and the ta’dîl-i arkân:

May hamd-u-thanâ be to Allâhu ta’âlâ! Salâmat be to the good people whom He loves! The letter which you sent from Junpur has arrived here. We are sorry to know that you have been ill. We are awaiting the news informing of your recovery. Send us the letter informing of your recovery through people coming here. Work hard for your task! Write to us about the hâls which you will be experiencing! O My Dear Brother! This world is the place for work. The next world is the place for getting wages. Strive to do pious actions! The most useful of these actions, the most superior worship is to perform namâz. Namâz is the mainmast of Islam. It is the mi’râj[1] for Believers. Then, one should do one’s best to perform it well. One should observe its precepts, its conditions, its sunnats and adabs in a manner liked and suitable. When performing namâz, one should be careful about its tumânînat [keeping all one’s limbs motionless in rukû (bowing during namâz), in sajda (prostration), in qawma (standing for a while after straightening up from the bowing position), in jalsa (sitting for a while between the two sajdas), and about the ta’dîl-i-arkân (to remain motionless for a while after becoming calm at these four stages)]. Many people, paying no attention to these, have been ruining their prayers of namâz. They have been neglecting the tumânînat and the ta’dîl-i arkân. It is stated that they will be tormented. When namâz is performed correctly the hope of salvation will increase. For, the mainmast of Islam will then have been erected. The plane to fly to endless bliss will have been boarded.
