ABOUT the JANNÂT-I-ÂLIYYÂT (The Sublime Gardens of Paradise) (II)
Believers who enter will stay there eternally; they will never go out. The houris being there do not undergo menstrual or lochial periods; nor do they have any whims or caprices. Any kind of food or drink they desire will come before them, ready and at their disposal. They will be far from troubles such as cooking and picking. Fowls will be flying over their heads. Believers will see them as they sit in their villas. “If we were in the world and you came so close to me I would roast you.” No sooner will this desire have come to their heart than they will be eating the newly roasted fowl in the dish made of nûr before them. (After eating the fowl) the Believer will heap the bones somewhere and wish through his heart that the bones became a fowl again. The moment the wish comes to his heart the bones will become a fowl as before, and the new fowl will fly away.
The soil of Paradise is made of musk and its buildings are made of adobes, one made of silver alternating with another made of gold.
Each and every man in Paradise will be given the power of a hundred men. Each of them will be given at least seventy houris and two worldly women.
There will be four streams in Paradise. Springing from a common source, they differ both in flowing and in flavour. One of them is sheer water, the second one is pure milk, the third one is Paradise beverage, and the fourth one is unmixed honey.
There are tall villas in Paradise. They bend down, Believers mount them and are caried to whereever they wish. (Their semblance in the world are moving stairs and aeroplanes, as of today.)
There is a tree called ‘Tûbâ’ in Paradise. The roots of this tree are on top, and its branches and shoots hang down. Its semblance in the world is the moon and the sun.