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Kerâmats (miracles that occur through the Awliyâ or other pious Muslims) of Imâm-i-Rabbânî Ahmad Fârûqî are written in the eighth chapter of the second section of the book Berekât. Muhammad Hâshim narrates the seventh of these kerâmats as follows: I had a young Sayyid class-mate in madrasa. One day he came panting. He gasped out a wonderful event he had experienced. He had witnessed a great wonder through hadrat Imâm-i-Rabbânî. He said:

I used to dislike those people who had fought against hadrat Alî; of them, hadrat Muâwiya was the one I hated most. One night I was reading the book Mektûbât (Letters) written by your master, [i.e. Imâm-i-Rabbânî]. It read, “Imâm-i-Enes bin Mâlik said that hating or censuring hadrat Muâwiya is like hating or censuring hadrat Abû Bekr and hadrat ’Umar. If a person curses him, he must be punished as if he cursed these two great Sahâbîs.” When I read this I felt rather annoyed and said to myself, “How come he wrote this nonsense here!” I dropped Mektûbât on the floor, lay in my bed, and soon fell asleep. I had a dream: That exalted shaikh of yours came towards me, indignant. With his both blessed hands he pulled me by the ears and said, “You ignorant child! You don’t like what we have written and dump our book unto the floor. You were consternated when you read my writing; and you don’t believe it. Now I will take you to a noble person so that you see for yourself! Let him tell you how wrong you are hating his friends, who are the As-hâb of the Messenger of Allah ‘sall-Allâhu alaihi wa sallam’.”