My dear son! Apparently, the world is sweet, delicious. Inwardly, however, it is poisonous and worthless. He who falls into its trap can never save himself. He who dies with this poison will become a carrion. It is lunacy to lose your heart to it. It is like lacquered filth, sugar-coated poison. A person with wisdom will not fall for such false, spurious beauty. He will not set his heart on impure, hurtful pleasures. He will spend this short life of his endeavouring to ingratiate himself with his Owner. He will do the things that will be useful for him in the Hereafter. He will do his duties as a born slave. He will hold fast to the commandments of Allâhu ta’âlâ. He will avoid His prohibitions. Shame on those people who do the opposite and chase after harmful things!
Offending the true friend is what I fear;
It burns me day and night, so hard to bear!
[The world (in this context) means harmful things hated and prohibited by Allâhu ta’âlâ. A person who avoids the harâms has protected himself from the world’s deceits. Allâhu ta’âlâ has not prohibited any pleasure, any flavour in the world. What He forbids is to enjoy these pleasures in excessive and inordinate measures and injurious manners. He commands us to utilize them in salutary and modest doses and prescribes these doses.]