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It is written on the two hundred and seventyfifth page of the fifth volume of Ibni ’Âbidîn ‘rahmatullâhi ’alaih’: “It is makrûh to shave the groin when you are junub.” [Hence it is makrûh also to get a haircut or to cut one’s nails when you are junub.] It is not fard to wash under the dirt caused by fleas and flies, under henna, under the skin’s natural dirt or under any fluid oil or mud. It is necessary to wash under the waterproof things stuck to the skin such as dough, wax, gum, solid oil, fish scale, a chewed piece of bread [and fingernail polish]. If water does not soak through the food remains in the teeth or cavities, or if the parts under them are not washed, the ghusl will not be acceptable. If a ring is tight it is necessary to take it off or to shift it. So is the case with earrings. If there are no rings in the ring holes, and if the holes are open, when washing the ears, it will be enough to moisten the holes. If they do not get wet you must wet them with your fingers. In doing all these it will be enough to believe strongly that they have become wet. If a person forgets to wash his mouth or some other part and performs namâz and then remembers that he has not washed it, he washes the part and performs the fard part of the namâz again. If you cannot find a secluded place when you need to check a part of your body that (you should not let other people see and which) is (called) your awrat part, you should wait until others leave the place instead of exposing your awrat part in company. If the time of namâz becomes short you should not make tahârat (clean yourself) when others are present; you should perform namâz with najâsat on your pants instead of cleaning your pants, since it is more blessed.