The bitterest enmity against Islam is of British origin. For the British state policy is essentially based on the exploitation of the natural resources in Africa and in India, the employment of their inhabitants like beasts, and the transference of all their gains to Britain. People who have been honoured with Islam, which commands justice, mutual love and help, obviate the British cruelty and duplicity. On the other hand, the British government has established a Ministry of Colonies and is attacking Islam with inconceivably treacherous plans and with all their military and political forces. The confessions which Hempher, one of the thousands of male and female spies supervised by that ministry, made concerning his activities beginning in 1125 [1713 C.E.], explain a few of those heinous plans, which are an awful shame for humanity. These confessions were published in Arabic, in English and in Turkish by Hakîkat Kitabevi in 1991.[1]
[1] Confessions of A British Spy, 1991, Hakîkat Kitabevi, Fatih, Istanbul, Turkey.
Worldly property, gold’n silver are no one’s eternally;
Pleasing a broken heart is what will promote thee.
The earth is ephemeral, it turns continuously;
Mankind is a lantern, which will go out eventually.