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Hadrat Imâm-i Rabbânî says in the 60th letter of the second volume of his Maktûbât:

Since the Qur’ân or the hadîths do not lay importance on the matter, it should be concluded that dealing with Khalîfas is not in the category called the usûl-i-dîn, but it falls into the category called the fudûl-i-dîn. Let those who like to spend their time on futilities busy with the superfluous teachings. The indispensable teachings of Islam are so many that one could hardly find time to be busy with the superfluous teachings. First of all, it is necessary to correct the belief. Of the teachings which our Prophet ‘sall-Allâhu ’alaihi wa sallam’ brought from Allâhu ta’âlâ, we should learn and believe the ones which are indispensable through tawâtur! For instance, it is necessary to believe the hashr (assembling at the place of Judgment) and the neshr (dispersing after the Judgment to go to Paradise or to Hell), to believe the endless torments and rewards and the fact that such teachings are doubtlessly true. Unless one believes these teachings one will not be saved in the Hereafter. After correcting the belief, it is necessary to learn the teachings of Fiqh and practise them. For instance, it is necessary to do fards and wâjibs and even sunnats and mustahabs, to be careful about halâls and harâms, and not to overflow the limits set by Islam. Thus only can one hope to be safe against torment in the Hereafter. When belief and deeds have become correct, the turn comes to the way of Tasawwuf. Then begins the hope of attaining to perfections in Wilâyat. Compared with these indispensable religious duties of Islam, such concerns as ‘Who did the caliphate belong to by rights?’ are unnecessary and useless. Only, because some corrupt and heretical people have misunderstood these things, behaved excessively and attempted to blemish the Sahâba of the Best of Mankind, it has become necessary to announce the information that will debunk them. For, it is one of the indispensable Islamic duties to prevent faction and chaos in this consummate religion. Wassalâm.