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Muslims perform namâz because it is a commandment of Allahu ta'âlâ. There are many hidden causes, many benefits in the commandments of our Rabb. Certainly, there is much harm in the things He prohibited. Some of these benefits and harms have been detected by medical experts today. The importance which Islam attached to health has not been matched by any other religion or philosophy. Our religion has commanded us to perform namâz, which is the most valuable of worships, until the end of our lives. He who performs namâz will attain its benefits for health also. Some of the health benefits of namâz are mentioned below:

1– Actions in the namâz are done slowly so they do not make the heart tired. Since namâzes are performed in different times of a day, they keep man fit all the time.

2– The brain of a person who puts his head on the ground eighty times a day gets a great deal of flow of blood rhythmically. Since their brain cells are fed well, memory and personality disorders are seen much less among performers of namâz. These people live more healthy lives. They do not have the illness of dementia, which is called dementia senilis in medicine today.

3– The eyes of performers of namâz have stronger blood circulation due to the rhythmic actions in namâz. Thus, there is no increase in the blood pressure of the inner part of the eye and the liquid in the front part of the eye is constantly replenished. It protects eyes from cataract illness.