Discreet men and women who have reached the age of puberty are called “Mukallaf.” Mukallafs are responsible of observing the commandments and prohibitions of Allahu ta'âlâ. In our religion, a mukallaf person is commanded to have îmân (faith) first, then to do worshipping. In addition, mukallafs must abstain from harâms and makrûhs which are forbidden.
‘Aql (intellect) is an understanding power. It has been created to tell good from evil. Intellect is like a meter. It differentiates the better one of two good things, and the worse one of two bad things. A reasonable person is not only one who realizes what is good or bad, he also prefers the good and avoids the bad. ‘Aql (intellect) is like an eye, and Islam is like light. Our eyes cannot see objects in the dark.
The age of puberty virtually begins when a boy is over twelve. There are symptoms of a boy's puberty. If these symptoms are not seen on him, he is regarded as still being in puberty until he turns fifteen years old.
The age of puberty virtually begins when a girl is over nine. If the symptoms of puberty are not seen on a girl over nine years old, she is counted as still being in puberty until the age of fifteen is transcended.