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The enemies of Islam are attacking the books of the Ahl as-Sunnat in order to destroy Islam. Allâhu ta’âlâ declared in the eighty-second âyat of Mâida sûra of the Qur’ân al-karîm, purporting, “The most vehement enemies of Islam are Jews and polytheists.” The polytheists are disbelievers who worship idols, statues. It is obvious that most of the Christians are polytheist. A Jew, namely Abdullah bin Sebe’ of Yemen established the (Shiite) sect against the Ahl as-Sunnat. The Shiites call themselves (Alawî).The British, who are the enemies of Islam, with all their imperial powers, with all the gold they gathered from India and Africa, with bloody battles, with their books full of lies which they call (Wahhâbism) are attacking the Ahl as-Sunnat. We recommend everyone who wishes to attain endless bliss to not be deceived by the books of shiite or wahhâbîs and to adapt themselves to the knowledge stated in the books of the Ahl asSunnat scholars.


Abdullah bin Shahîr from the Ashâb-i kirâm tells: I was performing ritual prayer near Rasûlullah ‘sall-Allâhu alaihi wa sallam.’ I heard sounds coming from his blessed chest, it was as if water was boiling in a pot on a fire.