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Be a good spouse for your wife! Advise her graciously and teach her the commandments of Allâhu ta’âlâ! Take good care of her being steadfast in making ghusl and performing her (daily) namâzes! Minister to all her needs and means by ways that are halâl! Do not let her eat any morsels that are harâm! Do not exploit her in fieldwork or make her live in a factory. Her earnings are her personal property. It is harâm for you to lay hamds on them unless she gives her consent. When you get mad at her, do not beat her, do not threaten her with a divorce, and do not use words like ‘harlot’, etc., and never swear at her mouth or eyes, which is an act that will make you a kâfir (enemy of Allah). Treat her with rifq (suavity, softness, kindness). Never beat her! It is not permissible to cudgel someone, whosoever they are. Do not bring home musical instruments or alcoholic beverages! Do not disturb the minds of your household by admitting any woman into your house! Do not divulge your wife’s secrets to others! Do not borrow money from her!


Enter your house with the Basmala, (i.e. say, “Bism-Illahir-Rahmân-ir-Rahîm,” as you enter!) If you have time say the Sûra called Ikhlâs! Our blessed Prophet ‘sall-Allâhu ’alaihi wa sallam’ stated: “A person who says the Ikhlâs-i-sherîf as he enters his house will never experience destitution.” Owing to this advice on the part of our blessed Prophet ‘’alaihis-salâm’, Suheyl ‘radiyAllâhu ’anh’, one of the Sahâba, became rich. Enter your house with your right foot and make the Salâm! If there is no one in the house, you can make the Salâm as follows: “Es-salâmu ’alaina wa ’alâ ’ibâdih-illâh-is-sâlihîn.” In the meantime, if you say the Sûra that reads, “Qul-Huwallâhu...,” once, and the Âyat-al-kursî, once, the Satan will not be able to enter your house. Whatever you are to do, begin doing it with the Basmala! Begin doing something such as eating with your right hand! Sit at the meal table altogether. After a meal say the prayer to be said after eating and thereafter say the Sûra that reads, “Qul-Huwallâhu...!” After a meal, it is not something that will be useful to your body to drink water till after an hour has elapsed.