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ABDULQÂDÎR-I-GEILÂNÎ ‘rahmatullâh ta’âlâ ’alaih’

Muhyiddîn Abû Muhammad bin Abû Sâlih bin Mûsâ Jengî Dost Abdulqâdîr-i-Geilânî ‘rahmatullâh ta’âlâ ’alaih’ (471 [1078], Geilan, Iran - 561 [1166], Baghdâd, Iraq) a great Walî and a great expert in Tasawwuf, a mujtahid in the Islamic branches of knowledge termed Fiqh and Hadîth. Through a paternal chain of ancestry, he was related to the Messenger of Allah ‘sall-Allâhu ta’âlâ ’alaihi wa sallam’ both through hadrat Hasan ‘radiy-Allâhu ’anh’ and through Huseyn ‘radiy- Allâhu ’anh’, the two blessed grandsons of the Messenger of Allah ‘sall-Allâhu ta’âlâ ’alaihi wa sallam’. His blessed mother, Fâtima binti Abû Abdullah, was again one of the granddaughters of hadrat Huseyn ‘radiy-Allâhu ta’âlâ ’anh’, Rasûlullah’s younger grandson.

A Warning

Missionaries are striving to advertise Christianity, Jews are working to spread the concocted words of Jewish rabbis, Hakîkat Kitâbevi (Bookstore), in Istanbul, is struggling to publicize Islam, and freemasons are trying to annihilate religions. A person with wisdom, knowledge and conscience will understand and admit the right one among these and will help in these efforts for salvation of all humanity. There is no better way nor more valuable thing to serve humanity than doing so.