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1– Sadâqat (trueness): It is to love one’s friends, to desire their happiness and comfort, to try to protect them from danger, and to try to make them happy.

2– Amity (ulfat): It is the harmony and solidarity among the members of a group with respect to their belief and worldly affairs and thoughts.

3– Faithfulness (wafâ): Getting along with others and helping each other. Another meaning of “wafâ” is keeping one’s promise and respecting others’ rights.

4– Compassion (shafqat): Concern and worrying for others’ problems. Working and struggling in order to save them from their problems.

5– Care of kin (sila ar-rahm): It is to watch over one’s relatives and close friends and to visit them and assist them. It is stated in a hadîth-i-sherîf: “I was sent to extirpate idolatry and to help my relatives.”

6– Requital (mukâfât): It is to return goodness with goodness.

7– Good-fellowship (husn al-shirkat): Obedience to social rules and fair and dispassionate conduct.