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8– Fair judgement (husn al-qazâ): It is to act justly in all affairs and in social transactions; not to rub in the favours you have done to others, and to avoid regrettable behaviour. 

9– Tawaddud: It means love and affection. It is to love one’s friends and to behave so as to gain their affection.

10– Complete obedience (taslîm): To accept and obey Islam’s commandments, to avoid committing prohibited actions, and to adapt oneself to ethics of Islam even if it may not feel delightful to do so.

11– Reliance (tawakkul): Not worrying for the calamities which are above the human strength by believing that they were decreed by Allâhu ta’âlâ at pre-eternity and therefore accepting them with a good disposition.

12– Devotion (’ibâdat): To perform the commandments of Allâhu ta’âlâ, Who created all beings from nothing, Who constantly protects all living beings from all sorts of accidents and disasters, and Who grows them by continuously giving them various blessings and benefits, and to abstain from His prohibitions; to endeavour to serve Him as best you can, and to try to emulate people who have attained love of Allâhu ta’âlâ, such as Rasûls (prophets with a new dispensation, which abrogated the religious systems previous to itself), Nabîs (prophets who were sent to humanity for the purpose of restoring the religious system(s) previous to them) ‘alaihim-us-salawât-uwa-t-taslîmât’, Islamic scholars, and Awliyâ ‘rahimahumullâhu ta’âlâ’.