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Imâm-i Abû Yûsuf, a student of Imâm-i a’zam Abû Hanîfa, "rahmatullahi alaih", was a qâdi (Islamic judge) during the reign of Hârûn Rashîd. One day, when he was in the presence of Hârûn Rashîd, someone sued another one. The minister of Hârûn Rashîd said he was a witness himself. Imâm-i Abû Yûsuf did not accept the testimony of the minister. The caliph asked why he did not accept the testimony of the minister. Imâm replied: “One day, you had ordered him to do something. He told you that he was one ofyour slaves. If he said the truth, the testimony of a slave is not acceptable. If he said a lie, the testimony of a liar is not acceptable.” The caliph asked “If I give testimony, will you accept it?” He replied: “No, I won’t” The caliph said: “Why?” The imam said: “You do not perform the ritual prayer in congregation.” The caliph said: “I am dealing with Muslims’ businesses.” The imam said when obedience to the Creator is at issue, the creature must not be obeyed. The caliph said he was saying the truth. He gave an order to build a mosque in his palace. A muezzin and an imam were appointed. After that, he always performed ritual prayers in congregation.