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“Bismillâh-ir-Rahmân-ir-Rahîm,”) when starting to do something permitted by Islam, are a few examples.

If a person does not say the Basmala-i-sherîfa when starting to eat, he will suffer three losses: 

1– Satan will join him in eating.

2– The food he eats will turn into an illness in his body.

3– There will not be barakat in the food he eats.

If he says the Basmala-i-sherîfa, the food will give him three benefits:

1– The Satan will not get a share from the food.

2– The food he eats will become a healer in his body.

3– There will be barakat in the food.

[If one forgets to say the Basmala when starting to eat, one should say it whenever one remembers to say it.]


One day, when Rasûlullah asked the Ashâb-i kirâm, “Do you know who is called bankrupt?” They said, “The person without any money or property left.” He declared, “Among my ummat, a bankrupt is a person whose deed-book contains many thawâbs of salât, fasting and zakât on the Day of Judgement. But he has cursed a person, slandered him and taken away his property. His thawâbs will be divided and distributed to such right-owners. If his thawâbs are depleted before the rights are paid, the sins of the right-owners will be loaded upon him. Then he will be hurled into Hell.”