Wâjib is a command of Allâhu ’adhîm-ush-shân. However, that it is His command has been understood by way of ambiguous proof-texts. A person who denies that a certain act (which is stated to be wâjib) is wâjib, will not become a kâfir. However, not to perform it incurs torment in Hell. Examples of it are: To recite the prayer called Qunût during the performance of namâz of Witr, to perform (the act of wâjib called) Qurbân, (i.e. to kill the animal called Qurbân in a prescribed manner,) during the Hadjis’ ’Iyd, to pay (the alms called) Fitra during the ’Iyd of Ramadân-i-sherîf, and to perform (the sajda termed) Sajda-i-tilâwat whenever you read or hear an âyat of sajda (prostration).
There are four other wâjibs and one farz within a wâjib: ’Ilm-i-wâjib, ’amal-i-wâjib, miqdâr-i-wâjib, i’tiqâd-i-wâjib, and ikhlâs-i-farz. It is harâm to make a show of farz or wâjib.