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Mustahab means something which Rasûlullah ‘sall-Allâhu ’alaihi wa sallam’ did once or twice throughout his lifetime. A person who does not perform it will not be tormented or reproached (in the Hereafter). Nor will he be deprived of shafâ’at (intercession in the Hereafter) for not performing it. Examples of it are: Performing nâfila (supererogatory) namâz, nâfila fasting, performing ’Umra, performing nâfila Hajj, and nâfila almsgiving.


Although­ they­ say­ they­ are ­Muslims, ­Wahhâbîs, also ­called Najdîs, are ­one ­of ­the ­groups ­who ­have ­departed ­from­ the ­Ahl­ as-Sunna. 

Ahmed Cevdet Paşa, a statesman, and Eyyûb Sabrî Paşa [d. 1308 (1890 A.D.)], Rear-Admiral during the time of the thirty- fourth Ottoman sultan ’Abd al-Hamîd Khân II (1258-1336 [1842- 1918], buried in the shrine of Sultan Mahmûd in Istanbul) ‘rahmatullâhi ta’âlâ ’alaihim’, each wrote a history book, in which they explained Wahhâbism in full detail. The following is derived, for the most part, from the latter’s book, who translated the information form Ahmad Zaynî Dahlân’s  book entitled “Fitnat al-Wahhâbiyya.” He passed away in 1308 (1890 A.D.]. 

Wahhâbism­ was­ established­ by­ Muhammad­ ibn­ ’Abd­ al- Wahhâb.­ He­ was­ born­ in­ Huraymila­ in­ Najd­ in­ 1111­ [1699­ A.D.] and­ died­ in­ 1206­ [1791­ A.D.].­ Formerly,­ he­ had­ been­ to­ Basra, Baghdad,­ Iran,­ India­ and­ Damascus­ with­ a­ view­ to­ travelling­ and trade.­ He ­was ­in ­Basra ­when,­ in­ 1125­ [1713­A.D.],­ he­ succumbed­ to a­ snare ­set ­by­ Hempher, ­who­was ­only ­one ­of ­the ­numerous ­British spies, ­and ­served ­as ­a ­tool ­in ­the ­British ­plans­ to­ (destroy Islam). He­ published­ the­ absurdities­ prepared­ by­ the­ spy­ in­ the­ name­ of Wahhabism.­­ Book named "Confessions of A British Spy" gives ­detailed information­ on­ the­ establishment­ of­ Wahhabism.­ There­ he­ found and­ read­ books­ written­ by­ Ahmad­ Ibn­ Taymiyya­ of­ Harrân­ (661- 728­ [1263-1328],­ d.­ in­ Damascus),­ the­ contents­ of­ which­ were incompatible­ with­ the­ Ahl ­as-Sunna. ­Being­ a­ very ­cunning ­person, he­ became ­known ­as­ ash-Shaikh­an-Najdî. ­His­ book ­entitled­ Kitâb at-tawhîd,  which­ he­ prepared­ in­ cooperation­ with­ British­ spies, was­ annotated­ by­ his­ grandson,­ ’Abd­ ar-Rahmân,­ and­ was interpolated ­and ­published­ in ­Egypt ­with­ the ­title ­Fat-h al-majîd by a­ Wahhâbî­ called­ Muhammad­ Hamîd.­