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First Friday night of the month of Rajab is called Night of Raghâib. Every night of Rajab is already valuable. Every Friday night is valuable, too. When these two valuable nights come together, they become all the more valuable. The value of the night of Raghâib is communicated by various hadîths. Rajab had been valuable since the time of Hadrat Adam. It had been a sin to war in this month. The month had been respected by all ummats. Rajab means majectic, great, honoured, valuable. It is written in the Persian book Anîsulwâ’izîn, “During the time of Hadrat Îsâ, a youngster fell in love with a lovely girl. He was mad with desire to have her. A long time later he managed to get a date. One night they came together in her room and undressed themselves. The youngster was so happy. Right then he saw the new moon through the window. “What month is this?” he asked. When the girl said, “Rajab,” he suddenly pulled himself together and dressed himself. The girl, astonished, asked what was the matter with him. The youngster answered, “I have heard from my parents that we must not sin in the month of Rajab but must respect this month.” Asking for an excuse, he went home. Allâhu ta’âlâ sent wahy to Îsâ ‘alaihissalâm’ and informed him with what had happened, commanding him, “Visit this youngster and give my salâm to him.” Being pleased with the fact that a great prophet had been sent to him owing to the reverence he had paid to Rajab, the youngster accepted îmân and became a good Believer. On account of Rajab, he attained the honour of îmân.”

It is mekrûh to perform the prayers of Raghâib, Ber’ât and Qadr in jamâ’at. The namâz of Raghâib is a supererogatory namâz performed on the first Friday night of the blessed month of Rajab. It was established in 480 A.H. Many scholars have written that it is an unpleasant bid’at. We must not think it is sunnat only because we see many people perform it.