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Then, on that day, the mercy of Allâhu ta’âlâ will be given to the ebrâr, that is, to those Muslims with good habits and useful deeds. Yes, all Muslims, all those with îmân as much as even a mote, will attain mercy in the end, after staying in Hell for a long time. But, for attaining mercy, it is necessary to die with îmân. Nevertheless, when the heart darkens from sinning, when the commands and prohibitions of Allâhu ta’âlâ are slighted, how can the light of îmân be protected from going out during the final breath? Great men of the religion say: “Continuing venial sins causes grave sins. And continuing grave sins drifts one into becoming a disbeliever.” May Allâhu ta’âlâ protect us against being so!

Translation of a Persian couplet:

I talked very little and feared hurting your heart;

Knowing your short temper, I refrained from what I’d impart.

May Allâhu ta’âlâ bless us with doing the things which He likes! For the sake of His beloved Prophet, Hadrat Muhammad, and his dear Ahl-i bayt, may He accept our prayer! The carrier of this letter, Mawlânâ Ishâq, is an acquaintance and mukhlis of this faqîr. We have shared the rights of neighbours for a long time. If he asks for any sort of assistance, I hope that you will not disappoint him, inshâ-Allah. He has the talent of elegance of style in handwriting. Wassalâm.

No, no! You are never treated unjustly by your Allah!

What you suffer from is an atonement for your deeds!