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All the Prophets, the Ashâb-i kirâm, the Tâbi’în and the Salaf-i sâlihîn ‘radiy-Allâhu anhum ajma’în’ strove very much to perform Amr-i ma’rûf and Nahy-i munkar. They suffered much torment and torture for this cause. If it were good in our religion not to interfere with anybody, it would not have been said that it was a symptom of îmân for the heart to refuse a sin. Indeed, it is declared in the hadîth: “Prevent the sinner from sinning with your hand. If you are unable to do it, prevent him through words. If you cannot do it either, dislike it [the sin] through the heart! And this is the lowest grade of îmân.”

If it were good not to perform Amr-i ma’rûf, the worshipper who would not do Amr-i ma’rûf to a sinning tribe would not be destroyed together with them. As a matter of fact, it is declared in a hadith: “Allahu ta’âlâ commanded Hadrat Jabraîl to sink a city into the earth. Jabraîl said, ‘O Allah! A born servant of Thine in that city has not disobeyed Thee even for a moment. He has always obeyed and worshipped Thee; ‘Sink him, too! His face never changed when he saw sinners’.”