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In Islam, completely liberal, democratic States based upon knowledge, morals, righteousness and justice have been established. It protects the State against being a plaything in the hands of political swindlers. Capitalists, dictators and servants of communism deem such a free regime as a chain, a fetter impeding their own acts of cruelty, torture and immorality. Murderers, thieves and dishonest people see justice and criminal codes as chains put on themselves. There is no need to describe the ignorance and idiocy of a disbeliever who uses secularism as a means for expressing his enmity against the religion and who tries to demolish Islam under the camouflage of secularism. What this man wants is not the separation of the religion from the State, but the destruction of the religion. It is obvious that a blockhead who expects the nations’ or the States’ progress not from knowledge, science, hard work and morals, but instead from the destruction of Islam, which represents all these virtues, and who longs for the West’s immorality, obscenity and egoism, is devoid of not only wisdom and knowledge but also of morals.

MIRACLES of MUHAMMAD ‘alaihis-salâm’

He sent troops to a region called Mûta to fight against the armies of the Byzantine Emperor. Four of the Sahâbîs, who were the commanders of the troops, were martyred, one after another. In the meantime the blessed Messenger was in Medina, preaching on the Minbar. Allâhu ta’âlâ showed him one by one all four martyrdoms, and he in turn related the events to the people with him.