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Yâ Rabbî (O my Allah)! I do regret, I am sorry for all the wrong, faulty beliefs I had from having been deceived by enemies of Islam and heretical people, and all the heretical, sinful things I have said, I have listened to, I have seen and I have committed since the beginning of my puberty until this moment. I am resolved, determined and resolute to not believe and act in that wrongful manner. The first Prophet is Âdam 'alaihis-salâm, the last Prophet is our Prophet, Hadrat Muhammad Mustafâ 'alaihissalâm. I believe in these two Prophets and all the Prophets who lived between them. All of them are true and truthful. What they communicated are true. Âmentu billah we bi-mâ jâe min indillah, alâ murâdillah, we âmentu bi-Resûlillah we bi-mâ jâe min indi Resûlillah alâ murâd-i Resûlillah, âmentu billâhi we Melâiketihi we kutubihi we Rusulihi welyewmil-âhiri we bilqaderi khayrihi we sherrihi minallâhi teâlâ wel-ba’su ba’delmewti haqqun eshhedu en lâ ilâhe illallah we eshhedu enne Muhammeden abduhu we resûluh.