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HADRAT IMÂM-I RABBÂNÎ (rahmatullâhi ’alaih)'s MAKTÛBÂT

The book Maktûbât by the profound Islamic scholar Imâm-i Rabbânî Ahmad Fârûqî (rahmatullâhi ’alaih), who was a great Walî and was the mujaddid of the second millennium (of Islam), is very valuable. Sayyid Abdulhakim Arwâsî who was a professor of theology in the Madrasat-ul-Mutahhassisîn, the highest of the madrasas (schools) during the time of the Ottoman Empire, often said, “Another book as valuable as Maktûbât has not been written on Islam,” and, “The most valuable and the highest book is Imâm-i Rabbânî’s book Maktûbât, except of course, for the Qur’ân al-kerîm and our Prophet’s (sall-Allâh ’alaihi wa sallam) hadith sherîfs. “Imam-i Rabbânî was born in the city of Serhend in India in 971 (1563), and passed away there in 1034 (1624). Abdulhakîm Effendi was born in Van, an eastern city in Turkey, in 1281 (1874) and passed away in the city of Ankara, the capital, in 1362 (1943).


Rasûlullah ‘sall-Allâhu ’alaihi wa sallam’ stated: “Namâz is the mainmast of the religion. A person who performs namâz has built his religion. Anyone who does not perform namâz has demolished his religion.” For, namâz is the most virtuous of all acts of worship. Rasûlullah ‘sall-Allâhu ’alaihi wa sallam’ stated: “Performing namâz in jamâ’at is twenty-seven times as virtuous as performing it on your own.”